Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shooooo(e) La La! What a Haute Blog!

I'm amusing myself with ridiculousness this afternoon. Labeling it and putting it away, not to worry over but placing it in a file for chuckles when needed. Why obsess over media icons - why force one's body to the pain over footwear with spikes to the rear of the soles - why does a fashionista have to love shoes at all—or even follow a single rule of our couture culture - why not let go of any girlish trappings you never wanted? And yes! Hold on to one's website when the site-mistress's feelings toward the subject changes - why can't a blog be living and growing as well the human behind it?

You know this is where I've been for a while (and it has nothing to do with most recent silence - that I think is busy-ness, health and different types of changes - irrelevant in the long-run, don't worry) - BUT have I mentioned that I now, well, can't stand shoes? Mm Hmm. This site started as purely (and fluffily) a shoe blog. With “candy” and star ratings (wow I purchased too many pairs if I was able to serially review them—but it was Zappos with their return policy..). I still could never have too many bags if I were true to my heart and had the magic powers to defy capitolism.... but shoes, well they're necessary, and I wear them of course .... OK not all the time, I will hop in a car to my best friend's house without ever changing from terry slippers! But yes, I even still INSIST I MUST wear CUTE shoes ... and now living in Florida, it's easier. I pretty much only wear/buy Easy Spirit sandals and wedges (yes, wedges my friends, their WEDGES are more comfortable than most flats!) and I don't have to worry about widths. But god - the last time I bought shoes was after moving (and thus needing more of those sandals) last Fall. (And I only plan on one new pair in the recent future - I want sandals in pink!)

So yes, I've sworn off heels, and all designer shoes forever, and will only maintain a mild affection—purely aesthetic and on the Internet — it's still fashion, it's visual art.

And yet (here we are after an insanely long intro) I have a new blog among my favorites, and it's a shoe blog. How writer, Katie, from Shoe La La, can call herself a shoeaholic when each of her posts are so wittily spot-on with their critiques of the silliness of this crazed-after accessory and are so “shamelessly” reasonable (”Oh no she di'in't just type a synonym for “practical”? Oh girlfriend!), yes, reasonable. A woman - a shoeaholic woman. Dissing the glass slipper (even I love the glass slipper at heart - my name is a Cinderella pun, doi) was the post I first discovered thanks to Google images, with her words mimicking my feelings so deeply—and then recent posts—confessions on walking in high heels and sexy-exercising—graphic-edits and craft-name dropping while she unmasks the label “hobby” from the shopaholic disease (shushies!)—and more! *Thump-thump. Thump-thump.* She has my heart and sole.

Her bio confesses how her guilty pleasure developed, and assures, even furthers my blog crush (coining a term here, folks, pay attention) for her. I bet, for her, when the shoe fits she does buy it in every color and wears it happily, for she can appreciate the rarity. *Swoon.*

Yes, blog crush! I want to give her presents ... like hosting where she can earn money from Google Adsense and a divine header logo and custom blog template.... (and not to mention the Google link juice I'm now gving.) I want to claim her with the roses of the Internet! And not just to gain benefit, but because I like her!

Oh but I know she's too good for me - SEO be damned her blog titles are short and merely perfectly creative with not one keyword a necessity. Sighhh.. She smells so sweetly of integrity and perhaps even “not for profit”...

But as I continue to follow her posts, there will always be something. I don't even know where she lives in the real world, but in my heart it works. We have that olive (insert any food here) love/hate thing. I will consume handbags and she will consume shoes. And I know we'd both wear pants. Mine will mostly be sweatpants and even pajama pants, whether it's that same slippers-day or even walking up the street to my friend's house. “Cause rules be damned when you don't even pass anyone on the way - this is a new world of freedom in gender roles! (A world where a woman was a huge candidate for President, and although that goal's ruled out again for a while longer, at least the pantsuits are gone. Roles/schmoles, a woman can't deny her hips!)

Oh and speaking of pants - get your butt over there to read every last post of Shoe La La now. Whether you love shoes or hate them, too, whether your blog-sexuality is straight or what — I know you will love this blog as much as I do!

Just don't like the blogger as much as I do - ok?

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