Friday, May 30, 2008

Fruity Tutti

It's always great to be reminded about your five-a-day and these fruity b&ab SS08 ads that were conceptualised by Japanese pop artist Nagi Noda are just the ticket. I've never really been a big fan of b&ab, a Hong Kong high street label that takes cutesy inspiration from Japanese streetstyle but I've always thought they've been a victim of bad styling as opposed to poor clothes...

...though I'm not entirely sure of a polka dot frilly edged onesie, I love the way the proportions of the body are exaggerated and enlarged in the video. I've also loved what Nagi Noda has done with previous seasons of b&ab ads. A shame that I'm still never sold whenever I go into a b&ab store. Thought right now I'd give anything to be there as I'm going through a severe bout of Hong Kong home-sickness that's only curable through a 1 hour pointless walking through of any random shopping mall that has that distinct air of wonton consumerism with someone stuffing egg waffles, proper roast goose lai fun and fish balls down my throat...or alternatively, a purposefull planned trip back to Hong Kong would also be a good idea... will investigate that further instead of fantasising bizzarely...



Backstage shots with fruits galore from the IT Blog...



An accompanying video to the ads...

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